An icon showing a test paper and "11+"

11+ Pre-Assessment

A valuable insight into your child’s strengths and weaknesses in English and maths and advice about 11+ preparation and their capability

For £50, I offer a pre-assessment to give you insights into your child’s English and maths ability and how this relates to their chances of passing their CSSE 11+.

I often talk and write about how hard the CSSE 11+ is and I would advise only considering entering your child for the CSSE 11+ exam if they are coming out as at least a year ahead in English and maths on their school report. This pre-assessment will test your child’s current level in:

  • Reading fluency

  • Reading comprehension

  • Grammar

  • Vocabulary

  • General Knowledge

  • Writing

  • Verbal Reasoning

  • Maths

The assessment takes around two and half hours to complete and is best taken in two sittings - ninety minutes for the English sections and one hour for the maths. Shortly after your child completes the assessment, you will receive an email with their actual scores for each part of the test alongside an expected score for a child with a good chance of passing the CSSE 11+ at this stage of their journey. The report also contains information about your child’s strengths and weaknesses so that you can target your 11+ preparation.

The primary aim of this assessment is to give parents information about their child’s chances of passing to go alongside what they know about the child and the information from their school. That being said, this is only a guide and a two-and-a-half-hour assessment isn’t an accurate predictor of future 11+ success. What it does do is provide an insight into your child’s ability and the report will often offer actionable advice on what to do next.

Below is an example report from a child who was about to enter Year 5 when taking the assessment. They were, in my opinion, above where they needed to be to have a good chance of being successful in the maths part of 11+ but they had weaknesses in English that I recommended the parents work on.

A screenshot of an example 11+ pre-assessment report

To book a CSSE 11+ pre-assessment for your child, or if you have any questions about the pre-assessment, please contact me via email or WhatsApp using the contact details below.