11+ Tuition

If you are searching for a friendly, experienced tutor to help your child excel in the eleven-plus, look no further; I can help them to build the skills, knowledge and test techniques needed for success. I specialise in guiding students towards success in a variety of exams, particularly the CSSE 11+ but also the CEM, GL, and ISEB, as well as selective and independent school entrance exams, such as the Sutton SET and Ipswich School’s eleven-plus exam. 

With years of experience and a proven approach, I've helped many students excel in these challenging assessments. If your child is gifted in maths, capable in writing and an avid reader, but more importantly, they have a willingness to work hard and a tenacious desire to improve, I am confident that I can help them too.

I offer personalised one-to-one tuition as well as small group lessons where each class has a maximum of four students. While others in the area might pack in 15 students or even more to each session, I believe in keeping it small and impactful, ensuring that your child receives the individual attention they truly deserve and that no child goes under the radar.

I like to do a pre-assessment before taking a child one for 11+ tuition, be that one-to-one or in groups. For £50, this in-depth evaluation includes assessments in reading fluency, comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, general knowledge, writing, verbal reasoning and mathematics. Following completion, you'll receive a detailed report with scores and recommendations. Note that there is no “pass” for this pre-assessment and I don’t cherry-pick the brightest children to get a high “pass rate” or to make my job easier. The pre-assessment gives us both an insight into your child’s capability to pass the exam before you start lessons. Regardless of the score on the pre-assessment, if you think I am the right choice to boost your child’s confidence, accelerate their progress and give them the best chance of passing the 11+, I am more than happy to help.

Please visit my pricing page to see my fees for one-to-one lessons and group lessons. If you want to book a group space for your child, have a look at the class timetable. Feel free to get in touch via the links at the bottom of the page if you want to book a pre-assessment or if have any other questions about my services or the eleven-plus. I'm here to help. I look forward to working with you and your child.

Group Lessons

I have no group availability for groups in the 2023 - 2024 or the 2024 - 2025 academic years. If you would like to be messaged if a space becomes available for these groups, please send me an email or WhatsApp message via the links below.

For the 2025 - 2026 year, I am changing the structure of my groups. I currently have 2-hour long lessons in which I cover both English and maths. From 2025 - 2026 I intend to have separate 90-minute maths and English lessons. I currently intend to host lessons on the following days and times but note that these are subject to change:
Year 4 English - Saturdays 2:30 - 4:00

Year 4 Maths - Saturdays 4:00 - 5:30

Year 5 English - Sundays 8:30 - 10:00

Year 5 Maths - 10:00 - 11:30

If you are interested in your child joining these groups or you have any questions, please email me or WhatsApp via the links below.